The Quality Assurance of Vantage Hemp's Pharma-Grade CBD Extracts

The Quality Assurance of Vantage Hemp’s Pharma-Grade CBD Extracts

Vantage Hemp Co. has become a global leader in the production of CBD extracts by setting new quality standards for the industry through its achievement of  EU and North American compliance, and internationally recognized pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certifications.

Universal principles governing pharmaceutical products are some of the most meticulous and rigorous in the world. These global standards are designed to ensure that members of the pharmaceutical industry conform to a set of regulations that protect consumers and ensure quality.

In order to obtain the pharmaceutical certifications known as, ICH Q7 and WHO (World Health Organization) GMP a company would need to prove they have the processes and procedures in place to consistently produce products that meet pre-defined safety and quality standards. ICH Q7 is one of the highest pharmaceutical accreditations that can be given to a facility and ensure CBD extractors compliance with international regulatory standards. .

The WHO GMP certification is universally accepted and recognized by more than 100 countries including Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia.* It involves guidelines that play an important part in defining national regulations for pharmaceutical products. Ultimately, manufacturers receive this certification in compliance with regulatory guidelines.

With Vantage’s forward thinking and leadership, these certifications will drive the company to expand further into international markets to pursue commercial CBD opportunities. Through membership in the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) and multi-facets of partnerships internationally; Vantage Hemp Co. will be able to build momentum to supply clients from across the globe with high quality pharmaceutical CBD oils, distillates and isolates.

As the cannabis community continues to find consensus on defined quality standards, Vantage Hemp Co. consistently delivers high-quality, pharmaceutical grade CBD extracts at an unparalleled scale for the industry to become the most compliant and accredited extractor in North America.

If you would like to get in touch with Vantage Hemp Co. regarding partnership opportunities or information, please click here.   *
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