Our Bulk Wholesale CBD Products

With access to large quantities of certified hemp biomass, a large-scale, high-volume extraction facility, state-of-the-art technology, and a meticulous focus on every detail from seed to sale, Vantage has developed an advanced, industry-leading process capable of producing large quantities of pharmaceutical-grade CBD. Our wholesale CBD product range includes CBD full spectrum oils, CBD distillates, and CBD isolates.

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CBD Full Spectrum Oil

CBD Full Spectrum Oil (FSO) is the most common extract. CBD Full Spectrum Oil contains more than 100 different active minor and major phytocannabinoids, as well as a variety of different healthy compounds, such as terpenes, and flavonoids. Visit our CBD Full Spectrum Oil Page.

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CBD Distillate

CBD Distillate is created by further processing CBD full-spectrum oil through distillation. During this process, we remove many compounds to increase the purity, leaving broad-spectrum CBD with trace amounts of beneficial terpenes and minor cannabinoids. Visit our CBD Distillate Page.

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CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD API. This stage of the refinement process strips away all other phytocannabinoids such as THC, as well as any remaining hemp plant matter. The process also removes nearly all taste and smell from the extract, leaving 99% pure CBD API. Visit our CBD Isolate Page.